v. Louisiana
391 U.S.
145, 88 S. Ct. 1444, 20 L. Ed. 2d 491 (1968)
(Footnotes omitted)
Appellant was 19 years of age when tried. While driving on Highway 23 in Plaquemines
Parish on October 18, 1966, he saw two younger cousins engaged in a
conversation by the side of the road with four white boys. Knowing his cousins,
Negroes who had recently transferred to a formerly all-white high school, had
reported the occurrence of racial incidents at the school, Duncan stopped the
car, got out, and approached the six boys. At trial, the white boys and a white
onlooker testified, as did appellant and his cousins. The testimony was in
dispute on many points, but the witnesses agreed that appellant and the white
boys spoke to each other, that appellant encouraged his cousins to break off
the encounter and enter his car, and that appellant was about to enter the car
himself for the purpose of driving away with his cousins. The whites testified
that, just before getting in the car, appellant slapped Herman Landry, one of
the white boys, on the elbow. The Negroes testified that appellant had not
slapped Landry, but had merely touched him. The trial judge concluded that the
State had proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Duncan had committed simple
battery, and found him guilty. . . .
Fourteenth Amendment denies the States the power to "deprive any person of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." In resolving
conflicting [391 U. S. 148] claims concerning the meaning of
this spacious language, the Court has looked increasingly to the Bill of Rights
for guidance; many of the rights guaranteed by the first eight Amendments to
the Constitution have been held to be protected against state action by the Due
Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. That clause now protects the right
to compensation for property taken by the State; the rights of speech, press, and religion
covered by the First Amendment; the Fourth Amendment rights to be free from
unreasonable searches and seizures and to have excluded from criminal trials
any evidence illegally seized; the right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to
be free of compelled self-incrimination; and the Sixth Amendment rights to
counsel, to a speedy and public trial,
to confrontation of opposing witnesses, and to compulsory process for obtaining
test for determining whether a right extended by the Fifth and Sixth Amendments
with respect to federal criminal proceedings is also protected against state
action by the Fourteenth Amendment has been phrased in a variety of ways in the
opinions of this Court. The question has been asked whether a right is among
those "fundamental principles of liberty and justice which lie at the
base of all our civil and political institutions,'" Powell v.
Alabama, 287 U. S. 45, 287 U. S. 67 (1932); whether [391 U. S. 149] it is
"basic in our system of jurisprudence," In re Oliver, 333 U. S. 257, 333 U. S. 273 (1948), and whether it is
"a fundamental right, essential to a fair trial," Gideon v.
Wainwright, 372 U. S. 335, 372 U. S. 343-344 (1963); Malloy v. Hogan, 378 U. S. 1, 378 U. S. 6 (1964); Pointer v. Texas, 380 U. S. 400, 380 U. S. 403 (1965). The claim before us is
that the right to trial by jury guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment meets these
tests. The position of Louisiana, on the other hand, is that the Constitution
imposes upon the States no duty to give a jury trial in any criminal case,
regardless of the seriousness of the crime or the size of the punishment which
may be imposed. Because we believe that trial by jury in criminal cases is fundamental to the American scheme of justice, we hold
that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees a right of jury trial in all criminal
cases which -- were they to be tried in a federal court -- would come within
the Sixth Amendment's guarantee. Since we consider the appeal before [391 U. S. 150] us to be such a case, we hold that the Constitution
was violated when appellant's demand for jury trial was refused.
U. S. 151] The
history of trial by jury in criminal cases has been frequently told. It is
sufficient for present purposes to say that, by the time our Constitution was
written, jury trial in criminal cases had been in existence in England for
several centuries and carried impressive credentials traced by many to Magna Carta. Its preservation and proper operation as
a protection against arbitrary rule were among the major objectives of the
revolutionary settlement which was expressed in the Declaration
and Bill of Rights of 1689. In the 18th century, Blackstone could write:
"Our law
has therefore wisely placed this strong and two-fold barrier, of a presentment
and a trial by jury, between the liberties of the people and the prerogative of
the crown. It was necessary, for preserving the admirable balance of our
constitution, to vest the executive power of the laws in the prince; and yet
this power might be dangerous and destructive to that very constitution, if
exerted without check or control, by justices of oyer and terminer occasionally
named by the crown, who might then, as in France or Turkey, imprison, dispatch,
or exile any man that was obnoxious to the government, by an instant
declaration that such is their will and pleasure. But the founders of the
English law have, with excellent forecast, contrived that . . . the truth of
every accusation, whether preferred in the shape of indictment, information, or
appeal, should afterwards be confirmed by the unanimous [391 U. S.
152] suffrage of twelve of his equals and neighbours,
indifferently chosen and superior to all suspicion."
Jury trial
came to America with English' colonists, and received strong support from them.
Royal interference with the jury trial was deeply resented. Among the
resolutions adopted by the First Congress of the
American Colonies (the Stamp Act Congress) on October 19, 1765 --
resolutions deemed by their authors to state "the most essential rights
and liberties of the colonists"–was the declaration:
trial by jury is the inherent and invaluable right of every British subject in
these colonies."
The First Continental Congress, in the resolve of October
14, 1774, objected to trials before judges dependent upon the Crown alone for
their salaries and to trials in England for alleged crimes committed in the
colonies; the Congress therefore declared:
the respective colonies are entitled to the common law of England, and more
especially to the great and inestimable privilege of being tried by their peers
of the vicinage, according to the course of that law."
The Declaration of Independence stated solemn objections
to the King's making "Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure
of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries," to his
"depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury," and
to his "transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended
offenses." The Constitution itself, in Art. III, § 2, commanded:
Trial of all Crimes. except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury, and such
Trial shall [391 U. S. 153] be held in the State where the said
Crimes shall have been committed."
to the Constitution because of the absence of a bill of rights were met by the
immediate submission and adoption of the Bill of Rights. Included was the Sixth
Amendment which, among other things, provided:
all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and
public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime
shall have been committed."
constitutions adopted by the original States guaranteed jury trial. Also, the
constitution of every State entering the Union thereafter in one form or
another protected the right to jury trial in criminal cases.
Even such
skeletal history is impressive support for considering the right to jury trial
in criminal cases to be fundamental to our system of justice, an importance [391 U. S. 154] frequently recognized in the opinions of this