Determining final grade in POL 104, American Government
Step 1. Total number of
points = Final
277+ A
268-276 A-
259-267 B+
247-258 B
238-246 B-
229-237 C+
217-228 C
208-216 C-
199-207 D+
187-198 D
178-186 D-
Below 177 F
Step 2. Quiz and Paper
Grade (highest 7 quiz grades)
Total number of points => Quiz Grade
7 quiz scores,
minus 42,
times .893,
plus 75. Maximum grade is 100.
point total is 41 or below: straight % with floor of 50.
Step 3. To calculate
the grade that you need on the final to achieve the grade you want for the
course follow the four steps:
Grade you want =_____ =
_________ points (from Step 1)
2. Subtract your
quiz grade = -_________ points (from Step 2)
3. Subtotal =
_________ points
4. Subtract your
exam grade = -_________ points
Points you need on the final = _________ points