McConnell Issues Threat to Democrats
on Filibuster Changes
Republican leader
says he would force votes on GOP-sponsored legislation
By Lindsay Wise,
WSJ, January 10-11
WASHINGTON—Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.)
issued a pre-emptive threat to Senate Democrats considering an overhaul of the
chamber’s longstanding filibuster rule, detailing a plan to force tough votes
on GOP-sponsored bills if Democrats make even modest changes.
Those votes would include contentious subjects such as
blocking vaccines mandates or stopping fracking bans, his office said. Aides
familiar with Mr. McConnell’s thinking say the threat is intended to cause
heartburn for Democrats as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.)
tries to unify his caucus ahead of possible votes to amend or abolish the
filibuster’s 60-vote threshold in the next week.
“Since Sen. Schumer is hellbent on trying to break the
Senate, Republicans will show how this reckless action would have immediate
consequences,” the Senate minority leader said in a statement to The Wall
Street Journal.
Mr. Schumer responded by making an offer to Mr. McConnell
shortly before the Senate adjourned Monday night: If all 50 Republicans agreed,
the Senate would hold up-or-down votes at a majority threshold on each of Mr.
McConnell’s 18 Republican bills, as well as Democrats’ two election-related
Now the Republican leader seems to want to place a bunch of
gotcha bills on the legislative calendar that he thinks would be tough votes
for Democrats to take as some kind of payback for pursuing legislation to
protect the sacred right to vote,” Mr. Schumer said. “Well, we Democrats aren’t
afraid of these votes.”
Mr. Schumer asked for unanimous consent for the deal. Mr.
McConnell objected.
With the House and White House under Democratic control, any
Democratic bills that passed the Senate under such a deal likely would make it
to President Biden’s desk for his signature. The Republican bills, even if they
passed, would be unlikely to become law.
A growing number of Democrats say they need to eliminate or
change the filibuster to pass federal elections legislation, which they call
the party’s top priority, and Mr. Biden plans a speech in Atlanta on Tuesday on
voting rights. In the past year, Senate Republicans have blocked Democrats from
opening debate on elections legislation, a filibuster technique routinely
employed by both parties when they are in the minority.
For now, Mr. McConnell is focused on discouraging one
proposal mulled by Democrats, a change allowing bills to proceed to debate with
a simple majority vote, rather than the 60 now needed. That would leave another
60-vote threshold in place before final passage.
If Democrats made the change, Mr. McConnell’s office said he
would propose more than a dozen bills, including measures that would prevent
the implementation of a private-sector vaccine mandate, prohibit so-called
sanctuary cities from receiving federal grants or stop the Biden administration
from implementing any fracking ban.
Other GOP bills on Mr. McConnell’s list, which he thinks can
garner 50 votes or more, would prevent the Internal Revenue Service from
implementing the Biden administration’s proposal to require banks to send to
more information about customers’ accounts to the IRS and prohibit elementary
and high schools from using as much as $164 billion in unspent Covid-19-relief
funds if they aren’t open for in-person learning.
Using a Senate procedure known as Rule 14 to circumvent
Democratic-controlled committees, Mr. McConnell plans by Monday night to start
adding more than a dozen Republican bills to the legislative calendar.
In the Senate, the typical practice is for the majority
leader to make motions to proceed. Technically anyone can, although such a move
is rare.
Eliminating the 60-vote threshold on the motion to proceed
is one of the least aggressive options Democrats are considering, as they try
to entice centrist Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten
Sinema of Arizona to agree on rule changes that would enable them to pass
elections legislation.
One election bill, the Freedom to Vote Act, would make
Election Day a national holiday, mandate 15 days of early voting and require
all states to allow mail-in voting. The other, named after the late Democratic
Rep. John Lewis, would give the federal government more control over state
voting procedures. Ms. Sinema and Mr. Manchin back the voting bills but have
expressed a desire to keep the 60-vote threshold in place.
Other options fellow Democrats are pitching to Mr. Manchin
and Ms. Sinema include returning to “talking filibusters,” in which senators
would be able to move immediately to a final-passage vote once all members had
exhausted their rights to speak, and requiring 41 senators to be present and
voting to block a bill. Currently, at least 60 senators must be present and
voting to advance legislation, allowing the minority to thwart bills without
even having to set foot in the chamber.
Mr. Manchin stressed to reporters earlier this month that
his preference isn’t to make any rule changes without at least some Republican
buy-in. The Senate traditionally needs 67 votes to change the chamber’s rules,
but in the past senators of both parties have used a process known as the
nuclear option to eliminate the filibuster for executive, judicial and Supreme Court
nominees with just 51 votes. But the filibuster for legislation has remained in
Mr. Manchin said Monday night that he hoped senators “can
come to an agreement to fix things. Every American has the right to vote and
should be protected.”
Some Republicans have in the past supported eliminating the
60-vote threshold on the motion to proceed to debate. Sen. Roy Blunt (R., Mo.)
said in a recent interview that in 2016—when he was chairman of the Senate
Rules Committee and Mr. Schumer was the top Democrat—he had proposed allowing
debate to start with a simple 51 votes but that Mr. Schumer wasn’t receptive.
Mr. Schumer’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
—Siobhan Hughes contributed to this article.
Write to Lindsay Wise at