Terms and Topics
from Voegelin’s New Science of Politics,
(with approximate
page references to Modernity Without Restraint and Chicago editions)
These terms will overlap
with the outline of the chapter that is presented in both the University of
Chicago paperback edition and the University of Missouri collected works
edition (vol. 5), Modernity Without Restraint
political science— (/2)
re-theoretization, movement
toward re-theoretization (/3)
positivism—two assumptions at base of positivism (/4ff)
three manifestations of the principle of positivism(/8): (/8-11)
“science” as investigation of
facts in relation to a value
Weber: value-free science, values as “demonic decisions,” teaching by
indirection (/13ff)
Ideal types, ethics of intention, ethics of responsibility,
science of politics where are conflicting values
sharp distinction between fact and value broke down under
Weber’s approach (/22)
Weber’s “progress” toward rationality at expense of
religion and metaphysics
restoration of science of order, metaphysics, ontology
The chapter focuses on the concept of “positivism” as a
stage in Western intellectual history and , in particular, on the work of Max
Weber (pronounced Vā-ber), who tried to remain
true to positivism in principle but whose intellect and moral character forced
him to burst the bonds of the positivistic ideas of the value-free science and
the strict distinction between facts and values. The chapter should be compared
with Leo Strauss’s chapter in Natural Right and History: “Natural Right
and the Distinction Between Facts and Values.”
Given the general unfamiliarity with Weber’s work, we cannot
and will not get into the details of Voegelin’s
intellectual biography, but we should understand Voegelin’s
argument that Weber reached the end of the possibilities of positivistic science
and revealed its inadequacy and inability to satisfy real, legitimate questions
about political order, thus setting the stage for a restoration or re-theoretization of political science in its grandest state.
Additional related readings: