TO: Politics Students
RE: General Requirements for Research and other Papers
Unless I waive these requirements or assign additional ones, each student in my Marymount politics courses should assume that these requirements are in effect.
For Politics majors, all politics papers shall follow the Chicago Manual
of Style, presented and explained in Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers,
6th or later ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press), and in the latest
edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, located in the reference section
of the library.
For non-majors, MLA or APA style may be used, but the papers will also be expected to be in proper MLA or APA style.
Specific Guidelines for Research Papers.
The following rules apply generally to research papers.
A research paper must also include the following components, unless they
are waived by the faculty member (see Turabian, A Manual for Writers,
Chapter One):
1. Title Page (followed by a blank page, if desired)
2. The Text, divided by headings and subheadings (division required in
any paper over eight pages)
3. Bibliography (unless waived)
In papers in which the text is longer than ten pages, a Table of Contents
should precede the Text. In papers in which endnotes are used instead of
footnotes, the text should be followed by the endnotes, which are then followed
by the bibliography.
II. The following documents, representing stages in the preparation of a
research paper, may be requested for review by the faculty. Each, of
course, must be typed.
1. Proposal*
2. Annotated Bibliography*
3. Outline*
4. First Draft
5. Intermediate Drafts
6. Final Draft (multiple copies)
7. Abstract*
Explanations and models of these documents are available in POL/HI 250,
Research and Writing, or upon request of the faculty.