Resources for Politics

William Miller



Voters, Parties, and Elections in American Politics

Some Basic Election Statistics

the Census Bureau

United States Elections Project

National Election Studies Data

Pew Research Center



Sabato's Crystal Ball

Federal Election Commission 2020 Election Report

2022 Congressional Elections and 2024 Congressional Election Forecasts Ballotpedia

The Cook Political Report

American Presidential Elections, 1892-2016

Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections (Dave Leip)

Electoral College Calendar

American Congressional Elections, 1900 to Present

Incumbency Re-election Rates (Center for Responsive Politics), Incumbency Re-election Rates (Thirty-Thousand Org.)

FEC, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and the Census Bureau

2004 Elections, 2006 Elections, 2008 Elections, 2010 Elections, 2012 Elections, and 2014 Elections: Data and Analysis of Results

  1. 2004 Exit Poll (CNN),
  2. 1972-2008 Exit Poll (NYTimes),
  3. 2012 Exit Poll (CNN),
  4. 2014 Exit Poll (CNN),
  5. 2016 Exit Poll (Fox News),
  6. 2016 Exit Poll (CNN),
  7. 2020 General Pre-Election Poll (Fox),
  8. 2020 Exit Poll (CNN)

American Government


For your greater edification, pithy quotes are interspersed throughout.

Western Political Concepts I Assignments

Western Political Concepts I Readings

Outline of the Readings in Book Form

Original Gerrymandered District

"Boredom with established truths is a great enemy of free men."

Bernard Crick, In Defence of Politics

Introduction to Political Theory

Approaches to Political Ideologies

Friedrich and Brzezinski's "Totalitarian Syndrome"

Introduction to Eric Voegelin

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.

Winston Churchill

The following readings are roughly in chronological order by author.

Plato's Crito, Jowett translation

Plato's Euthyphro, iJowett translation

"Education is something which should be apart from the necessities of earning a living, not a school therefor. It needs contemplation, fallow periods, the measured and guided study of the history of man's reiteration of the most agonizing question of all: Why? Today the good ones, the ones who want to ask why, find no one around with any interest in answering the question, so they drop out, because theirs is the type of mind which becomes monstrously bored at the trade school concept. A devoted technician is seldom an educated man. He can be a useful man, a contented man, a busy man. But he has no more sense of the mystery and wonder and paradox of existence than does one of those chickens fattening itself for the mechanical plucking, freezing and packaging."

John D. MacDonald, A Purple Place for Dying

Drop by sometime and ask why.

Plato's Gorgias, Lamb translation (Loeb Classical Edition, Tufts)

Plato's Gorgias, Jowett Translation (MIT Internet Classics Archive)

Study Questions on Plato's Gorgias

Plato's Republic, Shorey translation (Loeb Classical Edition, Tufts)

Study Questions on Plato's Republic

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Ross translation (MIT Internet Classics Archive)

Aristotle's Politics, Ellis translation (Project Gutenberg)

Aristotle's Politics, Rackham translation (Loeb Classical Edition, Tufts)

Aristotle's Physics (MIT Internet Classics Archive)

Aristotle's Metaphysics (MIT Internet Classics Archive)

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes/Ralph Waldo Emerson

Principle Doctrines, trans Saint-Andre and The Church of Epicurus (which includes Principle Doctrines and other Epicurean materials)

Epictetus, The Enchiridion, Carter translation (MIT Internet Classics Archive)

Apocryphon of John (Nag Hammadi Library)

Hymn of the Pearl or In Quest of the Priceless Pearl (The Pearl)

St. Augustine's On the Free Choice of the Will (De libero arbitrio voluntatis) , also known as On Free Choice or The Problem of Free Choice (Trans. Dom Mark Pontifex, Internet Archive)

St. Augustine's City of God (New Advent)

Study Questions on St. Augustine's City of God, Book XIX

St. Augustine's Letters

Pseudo-Dionysius Mystical Theology

St. Thomas Aquinas's "Treatise on Law" from the Summa Theologica, (Christian Classics)

"[T]echnicians. They don't have intelligence. They have what I call 'thintelligence.' They see the immediate situation. They think narrowly and they call it 'being focused.' They don't see the surround. They don't see the consequences. . . .

"I'll tell you the problem with engineers and scientists. Scientists have an elaborate line of bullshit about how they are seeking to know the truth about nature. Which is true, but that's not what drives them. Nobody is driven by abstractions like 'seeking truth.'

"Scientists are preoccupied with accomplishment. So they are focused on whether they can do something. They never stop to ask if they should do something. They conveniently define such considerations as pointless. If they don't do it, someone else will. Discovery, they believe, is inevitable. So they just try to do it first. That's the game in science. Even pure scientific discovery is an aggressive, penetrative act. It takes big equipment, and it literally changes the world afterward. Particle accelerators scar the land, and leave radioactive byproducts. Astronauts leave trash on the moon. There is always some proof that scientists were there, making their discoveries. Discovery is always a rape of the natural world. Always.

"The scientists want it that way. They have to stick their instruments in. They have to leave their mark. They can't just watch. They can't just appreciate. They can't just fit into the natural order. They have to make something unnatural happen. That is the scientist's job, and now we have whole societies that try to be scientific."

Michael Crichton, Jurassic Park

Machiavelli's Prince (Online Library of Liberty)

Martin Luther on Secular Authority--LINK DOWN

Richard Hooker's Works (Online Library of Liberty)

Modern Philosophers' Rejections of Classical Philosophy

Study Questions on Hobbes's Leviathan

Study Questions on Locke's Second Treatise

If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.

Albert Einstein

Sherlock Hemlock and the Great Twiddlebug Mystery

Baron de Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws (Online Library of Liberty)

Jean Jacques Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Cole Translation

Study Questions on Rousseau's Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

"There a lot of losers in the human race."

Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence (National Archives)

Hamilton, Madison, and Jay, The Federalist Papers (Online Library of Liberty)

Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France

Gabrielle Leggett: "I've not ever been able to think clearly, as other people do, even the simplest thoughts. Everything is always so confused in my mind. No matter what I try to think about, there's a fog that gets between me and it, and other thoughts get between us, so I barely catch a glimpse of the thought I want before I lose it again, and have to hunt through the fog, and at last find it, only to have the same thing happen again and again and again. Can you understand how horrible that can become: going through life like that—year after year—knowing you will always be like that—or worse?"

Sam Spade: "I can't. It sounds normal as hell to me. Nobody thinks clearly, no matter what they pretend. Thinking's a dizzy business, a matter of catching as many of those foggy glimpses as you can and fitting them together the best you can. That's why people hang on so tight to their beliefs and opinions; because, compared to the haphazard way in which they're arrived at, even the goofiest opinion seems wonderfully clear, sane, and self-evident. And if you let it get away from you, then you've got to dive back into that foggy muddle to wangle yourself out another to take its place."

Dashiell Hammett, The Dain Curse

Jeremy Bentham's Principles of Morals and Legislation (Library of Economics and Liberty)

Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America (Virginia)--LINK DOWN

Auguste Comte's Positive Philosophy (McMaster University)

John Stuart Mill's On Liberty (The Library of Economics and Liberty)

John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism (McMaster)

Herbert Spencer's Man versus the State (McMaster)--LINK DOWN

Michael Bakunin's God and the State (

Joseph Mazzini's Duties of Man (Hanover)

Benito Mussolini's "Doctrine of Fascism" (complete)(World Future Fund)

Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

"In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies."

Winston Churchill

Pope John Paul II: On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum (Centesimus Annus)(American)

Adams and Stephens XIII: Select Documents of English Constitutional History Table of Contents (1904)

Hanover Historical Texts Project

Internet Classics Archive

Avalon Project at Yale University Law School

Project Gutenberg

Online Library of Liberty (Liberty Fund) Internet Library

New Advent—St. Thomas, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopaedia

Christian Classics Ethereal Library (Calvin College)

The Nag Hammadi Library (Gnostic Society)

"Thomas"--The Library of Congress Legislative Research Service Not Secure

Email is always the best way to reach me! I love to hear from alumni; send me a note at Emails received after 5:00pm will be returned the next morning; emails received after 5:00pm on a Friday will be returned promptly Monday morning.

Following the materials below relating to Western Political Concepts I & II, this newly reorganized site contains information—syllabi, web links, supplementary memos, and most importantly links to most of the assigned readings—on the politics courses that I taught. Past syllabi and assignment pages have been moved to the bottom of the website. Scroll down to get to that section. Please e-mail me with any problems that you are having with the site. I will maintain this site indefinitely, and I will continue to cull bad and out-of-date links to material.

Guide to the Following Sections

After a few topical essays, the order of materials below is as follows:
  1. American Elections
  2. Congress
  3. American Constitutional Law and Other Law-Related Materials
  4. Humanities (Western Culture) Materials
  5. Tools for Writing
  6. Material on Canadian Government
  7. Past Syllabi and Assignment links
  8. Miscellaneous Articles and Links (Law-related, International Relations, American Government, College Finances and Foibles, and more)

1. Resources for Studying American Elections

Voters, Parties, and Elections in American Politics

Some Basic Election Statistics

the Census Bureau

United States Elections Project

National Election Studies Data



Sabato's Crystal Ball

Federal Election Commission 2020 Election Report

2020 Congressional Elections and 2022 Congressional Election Forecasts Ballotpedia

The Cook Political Report

American Presidential Elections, 1892-2016

Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections (Dave Leip)

Electoral College Calendar

American Congressional Elections, 1900 to Present

Incumbency Re-election Rates (Center for Responsive Politics), Incumbency Re-election Rates (Thirty-Thousand Org.)

FEC, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and the Census Bureau

2004 Elections, 2006 Elections, 2008 Elections, 2010 Elections, 2012 Elections, and 2014 Elections: Data and Analysis of Results

  1. 2004 Exit Poll (CNN),
  2. 1972-2008 Exit Poll (NYTimes),
  3. 2012 Exit Poll (CNN),
  4. 2014 Exit Poll (CNN),
  5. 2016 Exit Poll (Fox News),
  6. 2016 Exit Poll (CNN),
  7. 2020 General Pre-Election Poll (Fox),
  8. 2020 Exit Poll (CNN)

Original Gerrymandered District

2. Resources for The Congress Course

Congress Assignments Regularly Updated

Congress Syllabus, Useful facts about Congress

Navigating Through the website: Vetoes and Conference Reports


Clerk of the House of Representatives

House Leadership

Senate Leadership

3. Resources for Constitutional Law and Constitutional History

United States Supreme Court Website

Constitutional Law Case List Citations to and excerpts from leading cases in constitutional law and constitutional history.

Recent Supreme Court Opinions (Cornell University)

To find Supreme Court opinions on the Justia and Findlaw sites, use these URL formulas:
  1. Using Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962) as the example:
  4. Or use the Justia index: Supreme Court Opinions

Supreme Court Opinions October 2004 Term (with key to chart notations)

Supreme Court Opinions October 2005 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2006 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2007 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2008 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2009 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2010 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2011 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2012 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2013 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2014 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2015 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2016 Term

Supreme Court Opinions October 2017 Term Coming soon.

Supreme Court Opinions October 2018 Term Coming soon.

Supreme Court Opinions October 2019 Term Coming soon.

Supreme Court Opinions October 2020 Term

The Founders' Constitution (University of Chicago Press/Liberty Fund)

Farrand's Records and other American Constitutional History Resources (Library of Congress)

Yale University Avalon Project: Law, History, and Government Texts

Internet Legal Research Guide

Law and Politics: Internet Guide

Bureau of Justice Statistics Homepage

Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online (BJS)

Information on Federal Courts from the Administrative Office of the United States Courts

Information on United States State Courts from the National Center for State Courts Supreme Court Opinions and Other Legal Resources Subscription-based Legal Resources Subscription-based Legal Resources

Fact Pattern Questions

4. Humanities Courses I & II Readings

"The death of the spirit is the price of progress."

Eric Voegelin

Epic of Gilgamesh (Academy for Ancient Texts)

Enuma Elish (Trans. King, Internet Sacred Text Archive)

Hammurabi's Law Code (Trans. King, Internet Sacred Text Archive)

The Legend of Osiris (

Egyptian Book of the Dead (Academy for Ancient Texts)

Egyptian Poems

Instruction of Ptahhotep

Hymn to Aton

Old Testament Readings

Book One of the Iliad (Butler translation—MIT)

Book One of the Odyssey (Butler translation—MIT)

Hesiod's Theogony (Evelyn-White translation) (Academy for Ancient Texts)

Hesiod's Works and Days (Evelyn-White translation) (Academy for Ancient Texts)

Greek Lyric Poetry (selections)

Pre-Socratic Philosophers (selections)

"It must be admitted that from the religious point of view this pluralist type of society involves serious disadvantages. It tends to make religion a matter of secondary importance. It means that man's first duty is not religious but political. We do not ask whether a man is a good Christian or a good Catholic, but whether he is a good citizen or a good American. If he is this, his religion is a matter that concerns only himself—and there is even a danger that it may be treated as a private hobby, so that a man's church membership will mean no more than his membership of a golf club.

"On the other hand, a pluralist society of this kind has certain compensating advantages for religion. It lays a greater weight of spiritual responsibility on the individual Christian. He can no longer afford to take his religion for granted. If he is to stand firm amid the shifting sands of democratic opinion, he must know where he stands and what he stands for, and since he is in constant contact with other forms of Christianity, he must know where they stand too—where they agree and where they differ and how far it is possible or necessary to cooperate with them in defense of their common interests and common spiritual values.

"All this involves a considerable intellectual as well as a moral effort, an effort which it is difficult to make at the present day when the whole tendency of modern popular education and public opinion is concentrating our opinion on the problems of our modern secular democratic and technological culture which force themselves on our attention, through the thousand brazen tongues of organized publicity."

Christopher Dawson, The Formation of Christendom

The Analects of Confucius, c. 480-350 B.C. (Legge translation, Chinese Text Project)

The Dao De Jing of Lao Tze, date of origin is uncertain (Eno translation)

Herodotos, The Histories( Godley translation—Tufts Perseus)

Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War( ) Coming Soon!

The Eumenides by Aeschylus, 458 B.C. (M.I.T. Internet Classics Archive)

Aristotle, Poetics (Fyfe translation—Tufts Perseus)

"What makes you think human beings are sentient and aware? There's no evidence for it. Human beings never think for themselves, they find it too uncomfortable. For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told—and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the characteristic result is religious warfare. Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior, which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lead us to extinction, I see no reason to assume we have any awareness at all. We are stubborn, self-destructive conformists."

Ian Malcolm in Michael Crichton's Lost World

Plato's Apology (Fowler translation—Tufts Perseus)

Plato's Crito (Tufts Perseus edition)

Plato's Euthyphro (Fowler translation—Tufts Perseus) or (Jowett translation—MIT Internet Classics Archive)

Plato's Laches, c. 385 B.C. (Lamb translation—Tufts Perseus) or (Jowett translation—MIT Internet Classics Archive)

Polybius's Histories or The Rise of the Roman Empire, c. 2d Century B.C. (Paton translation—University of Chicago)

Livy's History of Rome, c. 27 to 9 B.C. (Roberts trans.—McAdams)

Aristotle's Concept of Happiness (Nicomachean Ethics, Book I, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9) and the Golden Mean (Nicomachean Ethics, Book II, chapters 1, 2, 4, 6)

Epicurus, "Principal Doctrines"

Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (Leonard translation--Tufts Perseus) or Lucretius, De Rerum Natura (Leonard translation--MIT Internet Classics Library--incomplete)

Cicero, "The Dream of Scipio," from De re publica (Andrew Peabody trans. with notes ) or (W.D. Pearman trans. no notes)

Cicero, De Officiis (Walter Miller trans., Loeb ed.)

Four Christian Creeds

Early Christian Writings from the First and Second Centuries

Epictetus, Enchiridion (Elizabeth Carter, trans., MIT)

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (George Long trans., MIT)

So the problem with taking long walks outside or any of that nature stuff was, well, it was boring. The worlds online may be virtual, but they were constant stimuli in constant flux. You saw, you experienced, you reacted. It never bored. It never got old because it was always changing. You were always engrossed.

* * *

So no, Brandon wasn't walking through this Manhattan woodland because he suddenly had an appreciation for the great outdoors or fresh air or any of that stuff. He did it because walking like this bored him. It bored him silly.

[It was] balance for the constant stimuli.

More than that, boredom was a kind of thinking tank. It fed you. Brandon didn't take walks in the woods to calm himself or get in tune with nature. He did it because the boredom forced him to look inward, to think hard, to concentrate solely on his own thoughts because nothing around him was worthy of his attention.

Certain problems cannot be solved if you are constantly entertained or distracted.

Harlan Coben, Missing You.


[Some years ago] Bloomberg published an article by Michelle Fay Cortez (July 4, 2014) entitled: "Shocking: Many Pick Electric Jolt Over Solitude in Study." The article explains that most people vastly prefer passive activities like reading or listening to music over spending just a few minutes by themselves. People tend to avoid being alone with their own thoughts. Randy Kasten who is the author of Just Trust Me: Finding the Truth in a World of Spin explains that "the ability to think critically is one skill separating innovators from followers. Critical thinking reduces the power of advertisers, the unscrupulous and the pretentious, and can neutralize the sway of an unsupported argument."

[A]s Clare Boothe Luce (she was highly intelligent and the wife of Henry Luce) opined, "What generally passes for "thought" among the majority of mankind is the time one takes out to rearrange one's prejudices." [R]emember the words of Ann Landers: "That ability to block out distraction helps to explain what makes some brains more efficient than others."

Marc Faber, Gloom, Boom, and Doom Report

Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Eminent Philosophers

Justinian, Institutes (Paul Halsall, Fordham)

Moses Maimonides, Guide for the Perplexed (selections from Book Two)

Medieval Islamic Political Philosophy--Alfarabi, Avicenna, Averroes (Paul Halsall, Fordham University)

St. Thomas Aquinas, "Treatise on Law," Summa Theologica, Question 91


Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight

The Coronation Oath of Edgar

The Coronation Order of Richard I (Fordham, Halsall)

The Coronation Oath of Edward II (Liberty Library)

"The young people think the old people are fools, but the old people know the young people are fools." Agatha Christie, Murder at the Vicarage

5. Tools for Writing

Memo: Article and Book Reviews

Memo: General Requirements for Research and other Papers in Politics

Memo: Papers in Political Theory

"To eat, to drink, to breathe the good air, it is a very pleasant thing . . . ." Agatha Christie, The Blue Train

Memo: Proposals for Research Papers

Strunk's "Elements of Style"

Chicago Style Citation Forms: Footnotes

Partial ASCII and HTML Symbol Set

HTML Experiments--GIPHYs, Maps, Pics


Tips on Writing from the Big Picture Blogger

6. Canadian Government and Politics

Canadian Laws Canada Department of Justice

Constitutional Documents McMaster

Constitutions and Other Legal Documents

Continuing Education

Canadian Parliament Web Site (the "Reference Material" link is particularly useful)

Canadian Supreme Court

Canadian Supreme Court Patriation Reference (1981)

Canadian Supreme Court Quebec Secession Reference (1998)

Canadian Supreme Court Senate Reform Reference (2014)

Canadian National Elections

2015 House of Commons Election

Canadian Provincial Elections

"As is the case with any uneducated group when confronted with a highly specialized, technically involved sort of activity, there is always this engrossment with surface detail rather than with intrinsic merit."

Artie Shaw

Collections of Texts

Library of Congress Country Studies

Political Database of the U.S.A. and Latin America

Official Government Documents from the GPO (FDsys)

Sam Spade: "You must be proud of your past, huh?"

Old Mr. Exon: "Well, Sonny, a past like mine is the finest thing an old man can have. I've swindled my partners and betrayed my friends. I've turned State's evidence just to see my associate get sent up for twenty years. And they say my wife died under mysterious circumstances, and I got rich off her insurance."

From a 1947 Sam Spade radio script, "The Adam Figg Caper," by Robert Tallman and Gil Doud.

Nullum beneficium impunitum

Illegitimi non carborundum


Western Political Concepts I 2019-2020

Western Political Concepts I 2022-2023

Western Political Concepts II

Political Ideologies

Constitutional Law I

Constitutional Law II

United States Constitutional History

The Western Tradition I

Western Tradition II (Spring 2015)

Politics of North America (Canada and Mexico)

American Foreign Policy

Global Security

The Congress

American Government

Western Political Concepts I

Western Political Concepts II

International Law

Roots of Political Ideologies

Senior Seminar

Constitutional History: John Marshall and American Nationalism Yorktown

Western Moral Tradition (IWP)

Research and Writing


Political Ideologies (Spring 2016)

Constitutional Law I

Constitutional Law II

United States Constitutional History

The Western Tradition I

The Western Tradition II

North American Politics

American Foreign Policy

Global Security

The Congress

American Government

United States Constitutional History

Constitutional History: John Marshall and American Nationalism

International Law

Western Moral Tradition Assignments (IWP)

POL 250

POL 250 Outline


International Relations and American Foreign Policy Articles

On France's Reaction to AUKUS by Daniel Hannan of The Telegraph

We Must Be Frank with France Walter Russell Mead of the Wall Street Journal

A Farewell to Nation-Building by David Luhnow and Gerald Seib of the Wall Street Journal

Is America Losing its Global Leadership? Walter Russell Mead of the Wall Street Journal

A Brexit Apologia Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of The Telegraph

Is the Middle East Worth It Anymore? Martin Indyk; "Constructive Resignation" in the Middle East Douglas Feith

United States-Iran Back Channel Communications (Wall Street Journal)

Report on Chinese Cloud Hopper attack of 2015-16 (Wall Street Journal)

Negotiations Leading Upto Phase One Deal

"The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark." Thomas Paine

"Man's mind once expanded can never again be reduced." Ric "Doc" Walker, former Washington Redskin

Law Schools

November 2019 DOE Report on Law School Debt

New ABA Rule for Law School Accreditation Thomas Jefferson Law School of San Diego and University of La Verne Law School of La Verne, California, have already lost their ABA accreditation (November, 2019)

According to this article, the LSAT will be changing in the next few years.

Those of you who are considering law school might find THI$ interesting.

Business schools tell a similar $tory.

Take a look at THI$ ONE: Why Law Schools Are Losing Their Relevance

This guy needs legal counsel. So does this guy.

Interesting article on the new California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) and the Dormant Commerce Clause

Constitutional Law Case List

Fact Pattern Questions

Strategic Plans, Anyone?

More Evidence of the Decline of American Education

Isaac Asimov's "The Feeling of Power"

Heather MacDonald's Scourge of Diversity Review

Dean Anthony Kronman on Diversity as an Educational Value Review

Attention students: put your laptops away! Taking notes by hand versus taking notes digitally NPR

Taking notes by hand aids comprehension Psychological Science

A learning secret: don't take notes on a laptop! Taking notes by hand versus taking notes on laptop This one's from the Scientific American.

Article on the "Social Acceptability Bias" or the Bradley Effect

Election Results

Factory Towns Turn Red (WSJ)

Some good election resources:

2016 Presidential Election Analysis Part One

(A four-part series by Dan McLaughlin that appeared in National Review)

Election Analysis Part Two

Election Analysis Part Three

Election Analysis Part Four

Voting irregularities of the 2020 election: John Lott Study

Also by Dan McLaughlin: Why History was not on Hillary's Side in 2016

First, a couple of articles on the present phase of the ever-evolving ideology of Marxism

American Wokeness Invades British Education Wall Street Journal

The Inner Workings of the DEI Machine Wall Street Journal


Essays and Articles

Why It's Too Late to Stop World War III, by Richard Overy, The Telegraph

Decline of the Administrative State, by David Rivkin and Mark DeLaquil, Wall Street Journal

Russia's Classic Irredentist Policy, by Yaroslav Trofimov, Wall Street Journal

Lord Frost on the Conservative Party, by Lord Frost, The Telegraph

The Boy Who Learned to See by Susan Barry, Wall Street Journal

Farewell to Nation-Building by David Luhnow and Gerald Seib, Wall Street Journal

The Hubris of Nation Building by Philip Johnston, The Telegraph

Interview with Walter McDougall by Jason Willick, Wall Street Journal

Alberta: The Fifty First State? by Barry Cooper, Liberty Fund's Law and Liberty

The Covid Laboratory Leak Theory—A Scientific Analysis Wall Street Journal

The Covid Laboratory Leak Theory—A Linguistic Analysis Wall Street Journal

Recent Evidence of Early Lab Manipulation of Coronavirus The Telegraph and Weather Channel (

On Climate Science . . . and Politics Wall Street Journal

On British Racism . . . or Lack Thereof Wall Street Journal

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16

Do you really need a college degree? Wall Street Journal

Really? Wall Street Journal

College Finances

"Coronavirus Pushes Colleges to the Breaking Point, Forcing Hard Choices About Education" (WSJ)

"The coronavirus could kill off a host of US colleges" (NY Post)

Marymount is not Sweet Briar?

Or Hampshire College?

College Closings 2016-17

College Closings Since 2016

Roots of the Student Loan Debt Crisis


British Elections